Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chef Alex

In a recent Facebook post, Lisa asked whether it is normal for a three year old to insist on having the title, "Chef."  In his own words..."Chef Alex, ready for action!!"

I have come to the conclusion that while there are not too many kids that are entitled to the title, Alex is an exception.  After all, how many kids do you know that love avocado and hummus equally with Alamo Springs Cafe burgers, or who notice the similarity between rosemary and the needles on Christmas trees?  Or who love helping mom cook, or watching Food Network equally with playing ball, digging holes, playing the part of Bob the Builder, or building tall Lego structures?

There are also signs that he may become a master griller as soon as he is allowed to play with fire.

My conclusion was reinforced last night when I received an email from Alex's dad with an Alex submission for Jim's Place for Food and Booze. (While Alex is multi-talented and very smart, he has not yet learned to use email or Facebook -- I expect that will happen pretty soon.)  I am pleased to post it on Alex's behalf.

Alex had decided that his mom's Baked Potato Soup could use some enhancements as shown in the photo above.  A little grated cheese, some green beans, cucumbers, and bacon did the trick.  What a beautifully styled dish and a great photo by dad.  I wish I could have been there to taste, but I understand my bowl did not go to waste - Alex ate it too.

My only additional suggestion might have been to add a little spice, perhaps some hot sauce or spicy peppers.  Not to worry though -- his Unca Joe or PaPa will teach him how to enjoy those soon enough.