Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Treats - Jim's Gazpacho

One of the best treats of summer is home grown tomatoes.  And if you are lucky enough to have some, then you should certainly try Jim's Summer Gazpacho.

Gazpacho is a perfect summer treat, light and refreshing, but with a substantial flavor.  It is my favorite use of all those home grown summer tomatoes, and the only uses I can think of that can even come close are tomato sandwiches on homemade bread, and Insalata Caprese, a simple combination salad with fresh tomatoes, fresh mozarella slices, basil, a drizzle of olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste.

This recipe is my latest take on Gazpacho, but it is very flexible, and you should experiment freely with types of peppers, type of tomato juice, green onions, an addition of a handful of diced homemade white bread with crust removed, julienned basil, diced zucchini, or whatever else strikes you.  And if you want a finer texture process in a food processor.

Gazpacho makes a pretty good meal served with a good loaf of crusty bread, but it can also be part of a light meal of cold shrimp or grilled fish, or some good fish tacos, chicken salad, or another light entree of your choosing.  If you are fortunate enough to live somewhere where lobsters live, a lobster roll would be an outstanding pairing!  And for the kiddies, this Gazpacho would be oh so much better 
with a grilled cheese sandwich than that nasty Campbell's Tomato Soup, provided that you didn't make it too spicy .